Monday, February 26, 2007

A vida é bela

Numa folha qualquer eu desenho um sol amarelo
E com cinco ou seis retas é fácil fazer um castelo.
Corro o lápis em torno da mão e me dou uma luva,
E se faço chover, com dois riscos tenho um guarda-chuva.

Se um pinguinho de tinta cai num pedacinho azul do papel,
Num instante imagino uma linda gaivota a voar no céu.
Vai voando, contornando a imensa curva Norte e Sul,
Vou com ela, viajando, Havai, Pequim ou Istambul.

Pinto um barco a vela branco, navegando, é tanto céu e mar num beijo azul.
Entre as nuvens vem surgindo um lindo avião rosa e grená.
Tudo em volta colorindo, com suas luzes a piscar.
Basta imaginar e ele está partindo, sereno, indo,
E se a gente quiser ele vai pousar.

Numa folha qualquer eu desenho um navio de partida
Com alguns bons amigos bebendo de bem com a vida.
De uma América a outra consigo passar num segundo,
Giro um simples compasso e num círculo eu faço o mundo.

Um menino caminha e caminhando chega no muro
E ali logo em frente, a esperar pela gente, o futuro está.
E o futuro é uma astronave que tentamos pilotar,
Não tem tempo nem piedade, nem tem hora de chegar.

Sem pedir licença muda nossa vida, depois convida a rir ou chorar.
Nessa estrada não nos cabe conhecer ou ver o que virá.
O fim dela ninguém sabe bem ao certo onde vai dar.
Vamos todos numa linda passarela
De uma aquarela que um dia, enfim, descolorirá.

Numa folha qualquer eu desenho um sol amarelo (que descolorirá).
E com cinco ou seis retas é fácil fazer um castelo (que descolorirá).
Giro um simples compasso e num círculo eu faço o mundo (que descolorirá).

Vinicius de Moraes

A vida é assim... simples.
Enjoy it... enquanto houver cor.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Maybe it is...

Tell me how you've been,
Tell what you've seen,
Tell me that you'd like to see me too.

'cause my heart is full of no blood,
My cup is full of no love,
Couldn't take another sip even if I wanted.

But it's not too late,
Not too late for love.

My lungs are out of air,
Yours are holding smoke,
And it's been like that for so long.

I've seen people try to change,
And I know it isn't easy,
But nothin' worth the time ever is.

And it's not too late,
It's not too late for love.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

One of my all times favourite movie quotes

Charlie Kaufman: There was this time in high school. I was watching you out the library window. You were talking to Sarah Marsh.

Donald Kaufman: Oh, God. I was so in love with her.

Charlie Kaufman: I know. And you were flirting with her. And she was really sweet to you.

Donald Kaufman: I remember that.

Charlie Kaufman: Then, when you walked away, she started making fun of you with Kim Canetti. It was like they were making fun of *me*. You didn't know at all. You seemed so happy.

Donald Kaufman: I knew. I heard them.

Charlie Kaufman: How come you looked so happy?

Donald Kaufman: I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine, that love. I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the right to take it away. I can love whoever I want.

Charlie Kaufman: She thought you were pathetic.

Donald Kaufman: That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago.

Those who know me know why*
(so this is for you)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Inspirações de uma rapariga com um copo de água

Adoro fins de tarde…
Quando chego ao final do dia e tenho a sensação de dever cumprido.
Não só de dever profissional…
De ter sorrido a todos os que por mim passaram.
De ter conseguido ter conversas pessoais no intervalo de almoço.
De receber um elogio inesperado por um detalhe que não me escapou.
De receber olhares de aprovação.
De me sentir necessária.
De termos falado para além dos “Doutores” e “Doutoras” a que nos obrigam.

Sinto-me feliz.
Hoje sinto-me feliz.
Sem razão ou motivo aparente.
(Porque andamos sempre à procura de motivos?)
A vida é aqui e agora.
Define-se no que fazemos.
Encontra-se no que sentimos.
E não há derrotas
(Desde que nunca nos sintamos derrotados).
Há pequenas conquistas que nos escapam porque não aprendemos a defini-las enquanto tal.
A vida vale pelo que nos faz sentir.

Por isso, agradeço-te esse sorriso.
E a gargalhada que começo a sentir como inconfundível.
Acima de tudo, agradeço-te por me fazeres acreditar.
Um mundo de possibilidades.
Porque é do caminho que vem a satisfação.
Do saber que podemos sempre escolher.
E que tiramos gozo de cada trilho que seguimos
(tanto quanto tiramos gozo da recusa dos trilhos que ficam para trás).

And that’s enough.

Como diz a Meryl Streep, n’ As Horas: “I thought: this is it! This is where happiness begins. (…) I forgot to notice that it WAS happiness. That moment!”.

A felicidade não é um estado…
Sente-se, vive-se, larga-se.
Não se mantém.
That’s what makes it all worth while.

There's no need for me

She lives with an orange tree
The girl who does yoga
She picks the dead ones from the ground
When we come over
She gives
I get
Without giving
Anything to me

Like a morning sun
Like a morning
Like a morning sun
Morning sun for me
Girl that does yoga
When we come over
Girl that does yoga

And he lives with a little house
On the side of a little hill
Picks the litter from the ground
Litter little brother spills
He gives
I get
Without giving
Anything to me
The days they
And the dogs they run
And the dogs they run
The good good morning sun

Side of a little hill
Litter little brother spills
Side of a little hill

And she's always dressed in white
She's like an angel
And she burns our eyes
And she turns
She pulls a smile
We drive her round
And she drives us wild
And she moves like a little girl
I become a child, man
And she moves my world
And she gets smashed in
And walks away
and leaves me standing

She lives with a little dog
That's gone just a little mad
She's got a wolf to keep her warm
If ever she's feeling sad
And she gives
He gets
Without giving
Anything to see

And the day it ends
And the day it
And the day it ends
And there's no need for me

The girl who does yoga
When we come over
The side of a little hill
Litter little brother spills
Gonna be the man
If ever she's feeling sad
Girl who does yoga

Damien Rice (he can read my soul...)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

My weird kind of fidelity

I never loved nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting my heart truly
I got lost in the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind
All these words
I hear in my mind
All this music
And it breaks my

And suppose I never met you
Suppose we never fell in love
Suppose I never ever let you kiss me so sweet and so soft
Suppose I never ever saw you
Suppose we never ever called
Suppose I kept on singing love songs
Just to break my own fall

All my friends say that of course its gonna get better
Gonna get better

I never love nobody fully
Always one foot on the ground
And by protecting by heart truly
I got lost in the sounds
I hear in my mind
All these voices
I hear in my mind
All these words
I hear in my mind
All this music
And it breaks my heart
It breaks my heart

Just trying to explain...
Not asking.
Just telling.