Thursday, January 24, 2008

(Boa?) descoberta

Ontem descobri esta música (numa excursão por um cd da Aimee Man comprado há meses mas onde só ouvia as músicas já familiares)... Não sei se já disse isto aqui (mentira!!!), mas amo de paixão a Aimee Man (e tudo o que ela escreve, e a entoação da voz, e o narizinho pontiagudo, e os filmes que ela escolhe para decorar). Admito a minha preferência por cantoras (a Beth Orton merece aqui, pelo menos, uma referência) e a Aimee destaca-se desde que descobri o Magnolia (sim, o filme). É daquelas cantoras realistas mas com os pés ligeiramente (q.b.) acima da terra. É adorável. I love fucked up people who put a smile on the face and say "what the hell! this is life, so i guess i should make the best of it - even if i'll keep complaining every single second". Bem, vou finalmente, depois desta excursão mental, dar-vos a conhecer a (boa?) descoberta (leiam com olhos de ver):

you don't know, so don't say you do
you don't
you might think that things will change,
but take my word
they won't

you paint a lovely picture,
but reality intrudes
with a message for you
and it's real bad news

i was undecided like you
at first
but i could not stem the tide of overwhelm
and thirst

you try to keep it going but a lot of avenues
just aren't open to you
when you're real bad news

i've got love and anger
they come as a pair
you can take your chances but buyer beware

and i won't
make you feel bad
when i show you
this big ball of sad isn't
worth filling with air

and baby, let me tell you
you can get some things confused
like whose secrets are whose
and that's real bad news
real bad news


At January 24, 2008 at 12:29:00 PM PST , Blogger telma said...

acho que não conheço esta.. mas adorei a letra.. vou ouvir ^^


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